
About CoursePolicy.AI

As more educators confront the inevitable adoption of generative AI in student learning, many universities have released guidelines and roadmaps on how to incorporate AI into teaching and learning. A defining statement in these policies is that individual instructors are encouraged to determine the AI policy for their own courses.

While this effort should be applauded, because every course is different, it also creates potential problems. First, not all instructors are equally knowledgeable about AI, and thus, not all are prepared to develop their own course policies. Second, since each instructor's policy will be in different formats, for students taking multiple courses simultaneously, confusion can quickly become overwhelming.

Therefore, we developed the policy generator, a self-guided tool for anyone to create a policy for their course. With our thoughtfully designed policy template, this tool also simplifies the process for instructors to communicate their policies to students.

Meet the Team


Max Lu


Incoming Ph.D. student at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and formerly Product Development Lead at Bloomberg Media and R&D at Los Angeles Times.


Genesia Ting


Senior Product designer with extensive experiences in the civic tech and social impact space. Previously at Los Angeles Times, Census Open Innovation Labs, Mapbox, and more.


Cecil John Tantay


Software engineering lead. Currently at Los Angeles Times and Vocadian.AI. Previously at Hotel Engine.


James Homrighausen


Frontend engineer with project manager experience in Dallas.


Ben Tsao


Magic enjoyer and software engineer in Texas.

Special Thanks

"Kevin" Bowen Yang

University of Pennsylvania

For his support in conducting the survey and data analysis during the summer

Contact Us

Are you a course instructor, student, university admin, or a technologist? We would love to hear from you. Drop us an email at